Monday, March 21, 2016

The hunt has begun...

We are finally taking the plunge... with a little more than 5 weeks to go until our wedding, we are in search of a new house to purchase!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


Yep. I'm definitely feeling it today. That creeping feeling of sadness. I just want to get my boy and go home and never leave. In a dream world we would be able to afford to live and thrive on one income... and I know it's not possible. I have crunched all of the numbers. We simply cannot do it and it is so hard.

I just needed to vent.

Updates on feeling BLAH.

Well... it certainly has been a while. Things are good. So good. Some days are hard, but they usually pass without too many issues.

I'm starting to get that little stab of guilt when I think about how much time I spend away from Carter. It hurts. I love him so much and I feel awful that I can't spend every single minute of every single day with him. But at the same time I'm wanting to have a minute or two to myself to breathe and just be.

I feel like because I miss him so much all day it plays into the fact that he still sleeps in our bed. I love it. I love his little hands touching my arm to make sure I'm close by. I love the way his hair smells, damp with sweat from the deepest of sleeps. I love being able to hold him through the night.
Most nights.
Some nights I want to curl up into my own space and just be able to sleep without him constantly wanting to nurse.
The fact that I want that makes me feel guilty. Balancing being a mommy and being your own person is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do... add an additional 40 hour a week full time job on top of that and you've got one tired, cranky, slightly crazy me.

I miss having hobbies, I miss being able to just GO. Whenever the mood hit, to pick up my camera and venture into the city, or into the mountains, or to drive around with no end destination in mind... I know I could still do some of that with the muffin man tagging along, but in doing that I have to add additional steps and prep time in order to make sure we have everything we could possibly need through out the day, but that can prove to be a bit difficult and by the time we're ready to go the moment has passed.

I've got to make time for these things though. This weekend I plan on spring cleaning, and prepping a getaway bag full of diapers, toys, extra jacket, blanket, snacks, water cup... everything we could need for a day adventure. I'm going to keep it in the trunk of the car so that we can just go when the mood strikes. I'll keep my camera by the front door so I can grab it on the way out. I have all of these ideas and plans and I just feel SO drained. But at the same time it's so difficult to fit everything into one weekend, or the few hours after work. I feel so burned out sometimes. I have no passion for anything other than being a mommy and I don't even get to do that because I'm at work... It's a vicious cycle.

How do I balance being a mom/admin/my own person? How do I balance my 40 hour work week and my 24/7 job of being a mom? How do I find an escape for myself without feeling like I'm being selfish for wanting 30 minutes to myself?

Tonight is definitely a bubble bath and wine kind of night.
It's 2016! Not only that, it's already March?! How? I don't write much... I feel like I have no time for anything really. I have the day off for appointments today and I'm finished with everything so I decided I really need to just sit and relax. Time slips away so fast these days. It's never a dull moment though. Ever. My son makes sure of that. He is beautiful. He is wonderful and wondrous. He is life and I am so in love with that little boy.
He has made our lives complete.

I hope to be able to have the time for a true update soon... for now please enjoy the pictures of cuteness.